Aminet 25
Aminet 25 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 1998].iso
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Text File
207 lines
; *************************************************************************
; ****************** FIRDesigner Installation Script ********************
; *************************************************************************
; $VER: FIRDesigner.install 1.2 (20.07.96)
; Copyright ©1996 Harald Zottmann
; *************************************************************************
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Find out about program version.
(set vernum-fir (getversion "FIRDesigner"))
(set version-fir (/ vernum-fir 65536))
(set revision-fir (- vernum-fir (* version-fir 65536) ) )
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Set default destination directory.
(set def-fir-dir "SYS:")
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Init some strings.
(set #yes-msg "Yes")
(set #no-msg "No")
(set #bad-kick-msg
"The FIRDesigner requires AmigaOS 2.04 or better !"
(set #hello-msg
("Welcome to the FIRDesigner V%ld.%ld\n\n" version-fir revision-fir)
"This script will install the FIRDesigner and "
"related files on your Amiga.\n\n"
"You will need to answer a few questions such as "
"where you would like the program installed.\n\n"
"If you do not wish to install the FIRDesigner at this time, "
"select the 'Abort Install' button now. "
(set #goodbye-msg
"The installation of the FIRDesigner is now complete. "
"Have a look at the guides to get more information "
"about this powerful tool.\n\n"
"Don`t forget to register if you use the FIRDesigner "
"frequently. See the docs for more information.\n\n"
"Have fun..."
(set #shortbye-msg
"Don`t forget to register if you use the FIRDesigner "
"frequently. See the docs for more information.\n\n"
"Have fun..."
(set #fir-askdir-msg
"Select the directory to install the FIRDesigner in. "
"If you want to create a new directory for this "
"application, do so now.\n"
(set #processor-msg
"The FIRDesigner is optimized for the listed "
"processor types. Please indicate "
"which processor you have in your machine."
"The Installer found out that you have a\n"
"MC " (database "cpu") " CPU\n"
(set #processor-help
"There are three optimized versions of "
"the FIRDesigner available. "
"Simply specify the processor (CPU) of your machine. "
"For example if you have a stock A1200 or "
"A4000/030, choose MC 68020. For an A4000/040 "
"you may choose MC 68040. Older machines without "
"accelerator boards, like A500 or A2000 must "
"choose the MC 68000. "
"The Installer program however found out that "
"your machine is equipped with a MC "
(database "cpu") " CPU. "
"If you are not sure about that, choose the "
"MC 68000 version, that runs on every machine."
; ************************************************************************
; Begin actual installation
; ************************************************************************
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Check for KickV37 or better.
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
(abort #bad-kick-msg)
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Print the welcome message.
(message #hello-msg)
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Ask the user where we should install the FIRDesigner.
(if (= 0 @user-level)
(set firdir (tackon @default-dest "FIRDesigner") )
(set @default-dest firdir)
(makedir firdir)
(copyfiles (source "/FIRDesigner") (dest firdir) (infos) (all))
(exit (#shortbye-msg))
(set firdir
(prompt #fir-askdir-msg)
(help @askdir-help)
(default def-fir-dir)
(set @default-dest firdir)
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Ask which processor version to be installed.
(set procversion
(prompt #processor-msg)
(help #processor-help)
"MC 68000"
"MC 68020"
"MC 68040"
(default 0)
(if (= 0 procversion)
((copyfiles (source "FIRDesigner") (dest firdir) (infos))
(if (= 1 procversion)
((copyfiles (source "FIRDesigner_020") (dest firdir))
(copyfiles (source "FIRDesigner.info") (dest firdir))
(rename (tackon firdir "FIRDesigner_020") (tackon firdir "FIRDesigner"))
(if (= 2 procversion)
((copyfiles (source "FIRDesigner_040") (dest firdir))
(copyfiles (source "FIRDesigner.info") (dest firdir))
(rename (tackon firdir "FIRDesigner_040") (tackon firdir "FIRDesigner"))
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Install the documentation.
(copyfiles (source "FIRDesigner.guide") (dest firdir) (infos) )
(copyfiles (source "FIRDesigner.readme") (dest firdir) (infos) )
(copyfiles (source "ORDERFORM.TXT") (dest firdir) (infos) )
(copyfiles (source "DISCLAIMER.TXT") (dest firdir) (infos) )
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Install the examples.
(copyfiles (source "Bandpass.FIR") (dest firdir) )
(copyfiles (source "Bandpass128.FIR") (dest firdir) )
(copyfiles (source "Differentiator.FIR") (dest firdir) )
(copyfiles (source "Hilbert.FIR") (dest firdir) )
(copyfiles (source "Lowpass.FIR") (dest firdir) )
(copyfiles (source "Highpass.FIR") (dest firdir) )
(copyfiles (source "Multipass.FIR") (dest firdir) )
(copyfiles (source "Notch.FIR") (dest firdir) )
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Print the goodbye message
(message #goodbye-msg)